10 Marketing Tips for Opening a New Restaurant

By |2019-03-26T09:24:16-05:00January 4th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: , , |

The love of cooking, a long history working in restaurants, free food and great people… These are a few of the reasons people cite for working in the restaurant industry. Some translate that passion into opening a new restaurant and owning it. Still, the restaurant business is not for the faint of heart and garnering a crowd of hungry customers is serious business. Here are 10 marketing tips for opening a new restaurant with patrons ready to eat and pay. First, define your ideal customer. It isn’t everyone in town. Get specific regarding their likes and dislikes, age, work status,… Continue Reading 10 Marketing Tips for Opening a New Restaurant

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Marketing Trends in 2018 to Adopt

By |2019-03-26T09:23:26-05:00January 8th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: , , |

With the New Year under way, business owners are looking at marketing trends that deliver a measurable return on investment (ROI). It’s easy to spend money and time on endeavors that seem all the rage but when the efforts fall short of their investment, it’s time to reconsider. While new technologies and innovations are sure to be unveiled throughout the year, here are 5 of marketing trends to incorporate early into your 2018 marketing. Facebook organic reach has dwindled to an estimated 2 percent to 3 percent. This means that for all the time your business applies to crafting… Continue Reading Marketing Trends in 2018 to Adopt

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How and Why to Personalize Retail Marketing

By |2019-03-26T09:21:57-05:00January 26th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: , |

Retailers can make great strides in increased engagement, sales and referrals by relying more on personalized marketing. A recent study indicates that, “Personalization can be a huge boon for retailers and consumers. Targeted communications that are relevant and useful can create lasting customer loyalty and drive revenue growth of 10 to 30 percent.”(1) How and when the personalized outreach is done is key to the campaign’s success. In this post, we’ll discuss mistakes to avoid, ways to personalize marketing and drive foot traffic into stores. Mistakes to Avoid When Personalizing Marketing I appreciate being welcomed to a storefront when… Continue Reading How and Why to Personalize Retail Marketing

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Why Blogging for Business is Important

By |2019-03-26T09:21:08-05:00February 15th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: |

The Benefits of Blogging for Business Why is it important to have a business blog? Blogging once was a platform that allowed individuals to voice their opinions in an ungated way. Blogging has since evolved into a necessary tool for businesses to stay current and visible amongst customers and prospects. Let’s explore the various benefits of business blogging. Reason #1: Blogging boosts search engine optimization. Search engines such as Google and Bing reward websites that publish new/fresh content by sending more site visitors their way. By publishing blog pots regularly, you’re building out the resources that your website offers,… Continue Reading Why Blogging for Business is Important

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Importance of Creating Customer Profiles of Your Ideal Clients

By |2019-03-26T09:20:21-05:00April 30th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: |

Whether your business is in growth mode or an established organization with a large customer database, understanding your clients, what motivates them to buy from you, and how to find more prospects like them is essential for business success. Writing customer profiles or “personas” helps crystallize who your ideal clients are, what makes them tick and what they need from you to complete purchases. Without that type of information, business leaders find their teams are trying a host of activities to make sales, but they aren’t being strategic, leading to wasted time and costs. Instead, what if your business… Continue Reading Importance of Creating Customer Profiles of Your Ideal Clients

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What’s your PR strategy for 2019?

By |2019-03-26T09:16:53-05:00November 28th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: , , , |

What does your PR plan look like for the New Year? Do you have a defined public relations (PR) strategy? PR includes press releases but should take a broader look. (Yes, PR is much more than a press release.) It also includes how your business communicates with your shareholders (for public companies at least), board of directors, employees, customers and prospects, as well as the outside community. Having a PR plan for the New Year is important, so that you can align how and when you will communicate with your key audiences tied to your overall business strategy. Here… Continue Reading What’s your PR strategy for 2019?

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How to Boost Your Visibility and Revenues with Marketing

By |2019-03-26T09:15:46-05:00November 29th, 2018|Categories: PR, Professional Writing|Tags: , , |

Here are 5 marketing efforts that each business leader can undertake to boost visibility and drive revenue. 1. Identify the networking circles that delivered a strong return on your investment (ROI)―both in dollars and time investment. Which ones did not? Ditch the groups that were lackluster and accept that you gave it a try and now know groups that don’t work for your business. Then, invest more in those groups that prove promising. Don’t hesitate to try new networking groups. 2. Show up. It doesn’t do your business any good to become a new member of XYZ organization but… Continue Reading How to Boost Your Visibility and Revenues with Marketing

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SSL Certificates: Things You Should Know

By |2019-03-14T18:19:20-05:00March 14th, 2019|Categories: Web Design|

As of March 12, 2019, there were nearly 1.7 billion websites and 44,730 were hacked on that date, according to Internet Live Stats. Like most statistics, there is usually more to the numbers below the surface. At first glance, we see many sites were hacked, but still a small number relative to the total number of websites. It’s been estimated that approximately 75 percent of “websites” are parked domains or something similar. This means that the approximate true number of websites is 418,101,494, which makes that 44,730 number much more of a concern. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was developed… Continue Reading SSL Certificates: Things You Should Know

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How To Prepare for a Successful Trade Show

By |2018-11-27T08:53:24-06:00January 3rd, 2018|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , |

Strategic Trade Show Planning Ensures Strong ROI  Trade shows can be a hit or miss depending on your preparedness, so it is important that you start planning early. To give you a rough estimate, start planning about 90 days in advance. In this post, we’ll walk through the critical steps on how to prepare for a successful trade show or conference to ensure good visibility and strong return on investment (ROI). The Planning Stage: First things first. You need to ask yourself, what type of trade show is this? This will lead you to thinking about the types of attendees… Continue Reading How To Prepare for a Successful Trade Show

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10 Marketing Tips for Opening a Retail Store

By |2018-11-27T08:48:27-06:00January 28th, 2018|Categories: Marketing|Tags: |

Whether you're opening your first retail store or adding an additional location, marketing the grand opening is critical to letting local consumers know about your shop and enticing buyers to visit early and often. Here are 10 marketing tips for opening a retail store with consumers ready to buy. First, define your ideal customer. Pinpoint characteristics such as their gender, age, work status, family make-up (married with kids versus single, etc.), preferences on how they enjoy spending free time, annual salary and likely disposable income. This information will guide your marketing decisions so you can invest in marketing that… Continue Reading 10 Marketing Tips for Opening a Retail Store

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