Is WordPress Safe as a Website Platform?

By |2019-10-16T08:15:20-05:00February 5th, 2019|Categories: Web Design|Tags: |

Is WordPress safe to use as a website platform? It's a question we hear quite often. The answer is YES. Like most things in life, you need to know how to properly set up a WordPress website and you need to maintain the software that runs your website. Let’s dig into this discussion a bit more to explain. Just last week I was speaking with a client who had been told by its outsourced IT provider that using an open source platform like WordPress is bad because it can be hacked. The IT person's recommendation was instead to use [...]

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Contractors Need Websites

By |2019-10-16T08:15:05-05:00July 3rd, 2019|Categories: Professional Writing, SEO, Web Design, Website Maintenance|

Are websites worth the investment? As an underground utility contractor, you work extremely hard to manage costs. So, cost-effective marketing is an extremely important part of your business. This often means that things like websites become outdated or you choose to have no website at all. But as we barrel toward 2020 at breakneck speed, that model is going to have to change. First impressions matter. A modern, functional website is now part of making a good first impression to prospective employees, prospective customers and to the communities where you are working. Skilled employees are on the hunt for work [...]

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5 Essentials for Graphic Design for Business

By |2019-10-16T08:14:21-05:00September 17th, 2019|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: , |

(Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels) Graphic design is important to every business since it helps create an organization's brand and communicates what the business is about. Whether you’re designing your own marketing material or are working with a professional graphic designer, there are some key graphic design aspects to address, so that your marketing looks its best now and long-term. Want to know what great graphic designers wished their clients knew? Here are 5 things to consider when designing a business’ marketing material. Consider these tips the "must haves" for professional graphic design. 1. How is your marketing [...]

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Social Media for Business

By |2019-10-16T08:14:09-05:00September 18th, 2019|Categories: Social Media|Tags: , |

Why It Makes Sense for Your Organization to Dominate the Social Channels Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay  Many marketing and sales professionals admit that attention to business social media outreach tends to wane when times are busy. With so many marketers wearing numerous hats within small businesses, it’s no wonder that social media can become neglected when other duties call. After all, you can crank out a few, quick posts in no time at all, so it’s easy to push social media to later. Plus, you could argue that employees really should focus on the big-ticket, large expense efforts to ensure organizations are [...]

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Content is Still King

By |2019-10-16T08:13:53-05:00October 12th, 2019|Categories: Professional Writing|Tags: , |

Content is still king. You’ve heard it before, but what are you writing to share your industry leadership? Are you generating content that gives your prospects and customers more reasons to return to your website and engage with you? Professional writing is an important factor here and the opportunities to share your content is endless. Let’s explore some of the common challenges with content generation for business leaders and some ways to get over that hurdle. 1. Limited time to write. I hear this all the time and I do understand. Most business leaders have schedules packed back-to-back from morning [...]

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Which Graphic File Format is Best: Vector and Raster Images

By |2019-10-16T08:13:37-05:00October 15th, 2019|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: , |

Low resolution, high resolution, which graphic file do you need when? Which graphic file format is best? We are frequently asked just this. The answer? How your graphics will be used dictates whether you need a low-resolution or high-resolution image. To further complicate things, business leaders often can’t open the art files because they don’t have (and don’t need) the graphic design programs (such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign) used to create the graphics. In this post, we’ll explain those terms a bit and show examples of when a graphic file has been used incorrectly and how to correct [...]

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Google Data Studio – Part 3: Your First Report

By |2019-10-15T12:38:31-05:00October 21st, 2019|Categories: SEO, Web Design, Website Analytics|

Welcome to part 3 of the Google Data Studio series, where I’m guiding you through connecting your data source to your first report, adding visualizations, and making basic styling adjustments. Adding the Data Source to a Report In part 2, we ended with creating a Data Source. Now we’re going to connect that Data Source to a Report. Click the blue “Create Report” button in the top right corner. The next screen will ask you to confirm that you want to add the Data Source to the report. After reading the notice, select the blue “Add to [...]

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Tips for Improving Photo Resolution

By |2019-10-15T08:34:38-05:00August 20th, 2014|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: , |

We often are asked for tips on improving photo resolution so that clients can take their own photos for marketing purposes. While I usually recommend a professional photographer for marketing collateral, there are situations when taking photographs on your own makes sense. Thus, we'll share the following tips for taking pictures that can be used for print purposes since the photos will be high resolution. When taking photos for professional use, here are some things to keep in mind so that your photos are taken at the highest resolution. We can always downsize the resolution (or crispness) of a photo [...]

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Google Data Studio – Part 2: Overview of the Interface and Connecting to a Data Source

By |2019-10-14T08:13:49-05:00October 14th, 2019|Categories: SEO, Web Design, Website Analytics|

In the first article in this series, I introduced you to how Google Data Studio can help you more effectively communicate how your website is performing. In this article, I’ll introduce you to the Data Studio interface and help you connect it to Google Analytics. Before we get started, you’ll need to have a Google Analytics account and property already setup. Don’t worry if you don’t already have a Google Analytics account setup since Google provides a sample data source to experiment with. Google Data Studio Series Index An Introduction to Google Data Studio Overview of the Interface [...]

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An Introduction to Google Data Studio

By |2019-10-14T08:12:54-05:00October 7th, 2019|Categories: SEO, Web Design, Website Analytics|

Google Data Studio Series Index An Introduction to Google Data Studio Overview of the Interface and Connecting to a Data Source Website owners typically rely on Google Analytics to gain an understanding of how well their websites are performing. However, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of information available through Google Analytics, and many of the canned reports display the data in a confusing way. These reports are also littered with information that may not be relevant to your business goals. Here’s some good news. Google provides a wonderful tool called “Data Studio” that makes it [...]

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