About Megan Salch

Megan F. Salch has 20 years of marketing and communications experience. After working in the U.S. Senate as well as for a software company, Arthur Andersen and research firm APQC, Megan launched Tell Your Tale in 2005 to help organizations communicate regularly and deliberately. She works with medium and large organizations on messaging, branding and communicating with target audiences. Her out-of-the-box thinking and business savvy help organizations stand out from the crowd. Be sure to follow Megan on Twitter under the name “TellYourTale”. Megan is also a published author, writing the book 100+ Activities for Houston Kids.

Improve B2B Services Through a Website

The B2B website can save you time by providing clients with detailed product specifications and graphics instead of you having to provide it. Your client will get the information he or she needs more quickly which improves customer satisfaction and can improve brand trust by creating the perception of openness. Product Specifications & Manuals Product specifications in a downloadable format on your website can be helpful to your prospective customers by making it easier for them to add your product information to a purchasing project they may be working on. Phoenix Contact has a “Generate product PDF” button in their product… Continue Reading Improve B2B Services Through a Website

By |2019-03-26T09:45:57-05:00April 4th, 2017|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on Improve B2B Services Through a Website

5 Things Every Professional Should Do on LinkedIn

I’m often asked about the best social media outlets for professionals to use and I tell people, “It depends.” Professionals and organizations for that matter need to study their target audiences and determine which social platform is reaching that same audience. In 2017, young professionals and young buyers not yet in the workforce have a high usage of Snapchat. (If this is your target audience, read out post series on “How Snapchat Can Help Your Business”. Baby boomers have gravitated toward Facebook. Still, how different demographics use social media channels continues to evolve. One social media channel that I… Continue Reading 5 Things Every Professional Should Do on LinkedIn

By |2019-08-05T14:39:55-05:00February 20th, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Comments Off on 5 Things Every Professional Should Do on LinkedIn

How Snapchat Can Help Your Business (Part 2): Keeping a Audience

Snapchat users are looking for fun, informative posts from the people and companies they follow. They want to be entertained, engaged and drawn in and you only have 10 seconds to do that. Chances are your Snapchat followers also follow you on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To keep your content from going stale, make sure to keep it fresh on each individual platform. This way, if a customer follows you on all platforms, they will see different content across the board. Engaging with your followers on Snapchat is a great way to show your company culture making you more relatable… Continue Reading How Snapchat Can Help Your Business (Part 2): Keeping a Audience

By |2019-08-05T14:40:07-05:00February 9th, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How Snapchat Can Help Your Business (Part 2): Keeping a Audience

How Snapchat can Help Your Business (Part 1)

Snapchat is a great way to engage your audience by sending personalized photos aka “snaps.” Users can get creative with the pencil tool and emojis to personalize their snaps to their friends. Photos and up to 10-second videos that are posted to Snapchat disappear after they have been seen unless a user screenshots the image. When viewing a friends’ posts, which on Snapchat are called “stories,” a user can send the photo to friends that they follow. Is Snapchat something that can help your business? Retail businesses can really benefit from the platform using it for quick demos and product… Continue Reading How Snapchat can Help Your Business (Part 1)

By |2019-08-05T14:40:16-05:00January 31st, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How Snapchat can Help Your Business (Part 1)

How Professional Writing Can Help Your B2B Company

If you’re like most business owners, you’re not a bad writer but your time is better spent building your business. A professionally written biography can play a huge role in helping you land speaking engagements and getting people to recognize you as a thought leader. When you hire a professional writer, you transfer the responsibility onto him/her to get the business writing done, in a timely manner and in an engaging way that helps attract new opportunities for you and your business. What’s more, professional writing highlights your strengths and differentiators—all while telling the readers/prospects that you take this topic seriously.… Continue Reading How Professional Writing Can Help Your B2B Company

By |2018-10-04T15:26:52-05:00January 9th, 2017|Categories: Professional Writing|Comments Off on How Professional Writing Can Help Your B2B Company

The Importance of Key Messages in Marketing Your Business

Are you ready to promote your business or new initiative but find your message isn’t quite resonating with your target buyer? Do your executives know your solutions well but explain the offerings in various ways? When your leaders talk about your organization, does it sound like they’re describing a different company? Often the way professionals talk about their business or special project is full of industry buzz words, acronyms and other vague expressions. The result is conversation that sounds much like the children’s game of telephone where the story that’s being heard is quite different from the initial message told.… Continue Reading The Importance of Key Messages in Marketing Your Business

By |2018-09-26T13:14:12-05:00January 5th, 2017|Categories: PR|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Importance of Key Messages in Marketing Your Business

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

The easy answer is “because everyone has a website” but that’s not a good enough answer, nor should it be.  Everyone is talking about the latest social media platform. The idea that websites are dead frequently is chanted, but the same has been said about email for at least a decade.  In this article, I’ll provide seven reasons your business needs to have a website. 1. Credibility Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat are all great communications tools, but the benefits are mostly for them.  The more you share on their sites, the more information they gain to push ads to their… Continue Reading 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

By |2019-03-26T09:46:32-05:00November 10th, 2016|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on 7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

5 Tips for Driving Traffic to Retail Stores During the Holidays

For retailers preparing for the holiday season, time is of the essence. While merchandising experts fill store shelves, are you also finalizing your marketing plans to take full advantage of the holiday shopping season? As an experienced marketing agency for retailers, here are 5 tips for retail marketing during the holidays.   Which outreach activities are you doing to bring shoppers into your storefront early this season? If you have an email list of shoppers and/or a following in social media, contact those shoppers with an early bird coupon. Buy 1, Get 1 offers or a discount on products often get good… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Driving Traffic to Retail Stores During the Holidays

By |2018-08-09T10:32:49-05:00November 9th, 2016|Categories: PR|Tags: , |Comments Off on 5 Tips for Driving Traffic to Retail Stores During the Holidays

What is Involved in Starting an Online Store? (Part 1)

An online store is an extension of a physical location, but has special needs since it is essentially open 24x7. Also, you may never get to have a personal interaction with customers so interaction throughout must be more engaging and detailed.  Choosing the right ecommerce platform can make or break an online store. Domain Name A domain name is simply the address of your online business like the address of your physical store location and all websites must have one to be found. To find a domain name for your business, you can begin by searching on a domain… Continue Reading What is Involved in Starting an Online Store? (Part 1)

By |2019-03-26T09:47:13-05:00November 9th, 2016|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on What is Involved in Starting an Online Store? (Part 1)

Digital Authenticity

“There is no intellectual or emotional substitute for the authentic, the original, the unique masterpiece.” - Paul Mellon Before Internet access became prevalent, information shared was primarily through print, television and radio marketing.  This made it easy for brands to control the perception of their products and services, and some companies took advantage of this through what is essentially false advertising. For example, when the medical community became concerned with the health risks associated with smoking, cigarette companies responded by having other health experts tout benefits of smoking such as improving digestion or protecting the lining of the throat. … Continue Reading Digital Authenticity

By |2019-03-26T09:47:55-05:00November 3rd, 2016|Categories: Web Design|Tags: |Comments Off on Digital Authenticity
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