About Megan Salch

Megan F. Salch has 20 years of marketing and communications experience. After working in the U.S. Senate as well as for a software company, Arthur Andersen and research firm APQC, Megan launched Tell Your Tale in 2005 to help organizations communicate regularly and deliberately. She works with medium and large organizations on messaging, branding and communicating with target audiences. Her out-of-the-box thinking and business savvy help organizations stand out from the crowd. Be sure to follow Megan on Twitter under the name “TellYourTale”. Megan is also a published author, writing the book 100+ Activities for Houston Kids.

10 Marketing Tips for Opening a New Restaurant

The love of cooking, a long history working in restaurants, free food and great people… These are a few of the reasons people cite for working in the restaurant industry. Some translate that passion into opening a new restaurant and owning it. Still, the restaurant business is not for the faint of heart and garnering a crowd of hungry customers is serious business. Here are 10 marketing tips for opening a new restaurant with patrons ready to eat and pay. First, define your ideal customer. It isn’t everyone in town. Get specific regarding their likes and dislikes, age, work status,… Continue Reading 10 Marketing Tips for Opening a New Restaurant

By |2019-03-26T09:24:16-05:00January 4th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: , , |Comments Off on 10 Marketing Tips for Opening a New Restaurant

How To Prepare for a Successful Trade Show

Strategic Trade Show Planning Ensures Strong ROI  Trade shows can be a hit or miss depending on your preparedness, so it is important that you start planning early. To give you a rough estimate, start planning about 90 days in advance. In this post, we’ll walk through the critical steps on how to prepare for a successful trade show or conference to ensure good visibility and strong return on investment (ROI). The Planning Stage: First things first. You need to ask yourself, what type of trade show is this? This will lead you to thinking about the types of attendees… Continue Reading How To Prepare for a Successful Trade Show

By |2018-11-27T08:53:24-06:00January 3rd, 2018|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , |Comments Off on How To Prepare for a Successful Trade Show

5 Tips for Email Marketing for Restaurants

The restaurant business in Texas is big business. Just in the Houston area, there are more than 10,000 restaurants with the average Houstonian dining out more than residents of any other city—4.1 times per week, compared with the national average of 3.1. Still, the average meal in Houston costs restaurant goers on average $5 less than the national average.1 So how do you connect with patrons and prospects cost effectively and drive them into your restaurant? Did you know 61 percent of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly?2 Email marketing continues to be an effective way to connect with customers across… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Email Marketing for Restaurants

By |2018-09-26T12:59:53-05:00November 30th, 2017|Categories: PR|Tags: |Comments Off on 5 Tips for Email Marketing for Restaurants

A Big Win in Graphic Design Awards Houston

Graphic Design Awards Houston We're really excited to share that Tell Your Tale and Mentis Neuro Health have been recognized as a platinum winner for the 2017 Marcom Awards, graphic design awards presented in Houston last month. These brain injury awareness cards proved to be a clever way to break through the "clutter" and grab the attention of healthcare providers looking for experts in brain injury rehabilitation. If you're an executive looking for graphic design with an impact, this is a great project to review.  Project Description: With March dedicated as Brain Injury Awareness Month, Mentis Neuro Health sought a way… Continue Reading A Big Win in Graphic Design Awards Houston

By |2018-10-04T15:21:29-05:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |Comments Off on A Big Win in Graphic Design Awards Houston

Why Public Relations is Better than Advertising

Why PR Makes Strategic Sense A topic in the marketing realm that often causes confusion is the difference between public relations (PR) and advertising. While I believe organizations should have a good mix of both, I also understand that with budget and time constraints, executives must prioritize marketing efforts and the associated budget. In this blog post, we’ll look at the key differences between PR and advertising as well as why PR makes more sense for most organizations. Let me start by saying that I know and respect people in the advertising arena. If your organization is a large corporation… Continue Reading Why Public Relations is Better than Advertising

By |2018-10-04T15:22:05-05:00November 1st, 2017|Categories: PR|Tags: |Comments Off on Why Public Relations is Better than Advertising

Why Is Public Relations Strategic?

The Long-term Importance of Using PR When organizations set out to conduct public relations (PR), the first questions to ask are: “What are we hoping to accomplish in general? How can PR help us reach that goal? Are we prepared to enable our PR efforts to really work for our organization?” Rather than just writing a press release and emailing it to some contacts, the outreach should be well thought out to reap the most benefits. Taking a long-term view to PR is important. Let’s explore why PR makes strategic sense. Your PR goals should align with your business goals… Continue Reading Why Is Public Relations Strategic?

By |2018-10-04T15:22:43-05:00October 18th, 2017|Categories: PR|Comments Off on Why Is Public Relations Strategic?

Why Website Speed Matters

The rapid growth of access to high speed devices connected to high speed networks has resulted in people being able to consume a large amount of information from a wide variety of sources in a very short time period. This happens every day and every day it seems to happen faster and on a larger scale.  It’s become more important than ever to respect your customers time and provide the least path of resistance wherever possible. In this article we’re going to identify some barriers to a successful website and how to tackle those barriers. We expect speed A website… Continue Reading Why Website Speed Matters

By |2019-05-28T17:12:18-05:00September 15th, 2017|Categories: SEO, Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Why Website Speed Matters

Social Media for Restaurants: How to Attract Hungry Customers

Strategic Social Media Drives Foot Traffic into Restaurants As of 2017, 81 percent of Americans have a social media profile, representing a five percent growth compared to the previous year, according to Statista. Additionally, the number of worldwide social media users is expected to grow to some 2.5 billion by 2018.1 With this whopping number of potential buyers online, many of whom interact with their phones 13 X per hour or 200 X per day,2 social media puts low-cost marketing tools at restauranteurs’ fingertips. Used strategically, social media really can drive hungry customers into restaurants. Here’s how you can make… Continue Reading Social Media for Restaurants: How to Attract Hungry Customers

By |2019-08-05T14:39:20-05:00September 5th, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: |Comments Off on Social Media for Restaurants: How to Attract Hungry Customers

Why Hiring an Agency for Social Media Delivers Positive Impacts

When Should Business Owners Use an Agency for Social Media? Social media should be more than posting pretty images and motivational quotations. Depending on the social media platform, you need to measure engagement with your customers, prospects and partners. Is your business team able to measure how they engaged others month over month and are you seeing more engagement over time? Is your team reporting on this each month? As a business owner or leader, if you're not seeing this data shared each month, your company may not be reaching important goals. Alternatively, your internal team over social media may… Continue Reading Why Hiring an Agency for Social Media Delivers Positive Impacts

By |2019-08-05T14:39:31-05:00June 21st, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , |Comments Off on Why Hiring an Agency for Social Media Delivers Positive Impacts

With Social Media, Where Should a Business Owner Focus?

With so many social media channels and limited time, not to mention budget, how should a business owner effectively manage all of the options? As with other marketing efforts, we suggest focusing on where your customers are. How do you know which social media tools your customers are using most? Smaller organizations can simply ask customers, while larger businesses will likely need to make use of surveying tools such as Survey Monkey to reach large numbers of customers in an effective manner. You can also leverage the following statistics from our partner Hubspot, published in January 2017.  Facebook: 9 unique… Continue Reading With Social Media, Where Should a Business Owner Focus?

By |2019-08-05T14:39:42-05:00June 20th, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: |Comments Off on With Social Media, Where Should a Business Owner Focus?
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