Common Questions from Business Owners: Why Hire a Marketing Agency Instead of Hiring Your Own Employees?

By |2018-09-26T12:55:49-05:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Marketing|Tags: |

I’m often asked why a business should hire a marketing agency like Tell Your Tale instead of hiring employees to handle marketing. The biggest reason is certainly cost. Hiring versus outsourcing is an age-old dilemma but one that often concludes with cost savings through outsourcing. When hiring marketing staff as employees, there are higher costs—both hard and soft—to remember that aren’t extended to the client/business owner who’s working with a marketing agency. Let’s explore. Recruiting candidates: Whether a business owner is paying HR personnel to recruit, running ads on or other recruitment portals or paying other employees to attend… Continue Reading Common Questions from Business Owners: Why Hire a Marketing Agency Instead of Hiring Your Own Employees?

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5 Things Businesses Should Turn Up in a Downturn

By |2018-08-09T10:39:43-05:00February 23rd, 2016|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , |

Marketing in a Downturn: We've all heard about the struggling economy and it may be this way for some time. While the economic tightening first affected Houston's oil and gas market, the longer term impact has spread further across industries and even professional levels. We could jump on the political bandwagon to sling mud at the culprits but we've decided to take a different approach. Here are 5 things businesses can turn up in the downturn. 1. Networking: While some may feel more comfortable staying at the office, you've got to put yourself out there so more people can meet… Continue Reading 5 Things Businesses Should Turn Up in a Downturn

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5 Tips for Driving Traffic to Retail Stores During the Holidays

By |2018-08-09T10:32:49-05:00November 9th, 2016|Categories: PR|Tags: , |

For retailers preparing for the holiday season, time is of the essence. While merchandising experts fill store shelves, are you also finalizing your marketing plans to take full advantage of the holiday shopping season? As an experienced marketing agency for retailers, here are 5 tips for retail marketing during the holidays.   Which outreach activities are you doing to bring shoppers into your storefront early this season? If you have an email list of shoppers and/or a following in social media, contact those shoppers with an early bird coupon. Buy 1, Get 1 offers or a discount on products often get good… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Driving Traffic to Retail Stores During the Holidays

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Best Practice for Email Signatures

By |2018-08-09T10:27:31-05:00April 4th, 2016|Categories: PR|Tags: , |

A client recently asked us for some tips on formatting their email signatures so that the complete information would be clearly delivered to their recipients. This opened up a big discussion about what should and shouldn't be included in an email signature. Here, we share 7 Steps for Email Signatures at Work. Brevity is key. Remember: people are often glancing at your email signature, not reading every word. Give them the information they need, how they need it. We recommend no more than eight lines. Four to five lines is really best. - Obviously, you should list your name, perhaps… Continue Reading Best Practice for Email Signatures

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5 Things to Check When Doing Graphic Design in Photoshop

By |2018-08-09T08:52:12-05:00September 20th, 2012|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: , |

When working on marketing your business, there are some graphic design basics to keep in mind--whether you've hired a design firm like Tell Your Tale or are handling the marketing in-house. You always want to make sure you have the best type of files for the intended marketing use. Let's go over the basics. 1. Size: Literally, how many inches tall and wide is your image?  2. Resolution: Is the file 72 dots per inch (dpi), 150 dpi or 300 dpi? Dots per inch (dpi) is used for print, while pixels per inch is used for the web and lines… Continue Reading 5 Things to Check When Doing Graphic Design in Photoshop

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The Big Interview

By |2018-08-09T08:12:33-05:00October 4th, 2016|Categories: PR|Tags: , |

There was a great article in the American Marketing Association’s Marketing News Magazine this month talking to and interviewing marketers who have gone solo in their careers. It inspired me to write a blog post interviewing our very own Megan Salch (who did just that) on her journey to independence. This is a great way for our customers to not only get to know the owner and the company as a whole but what we at Tell Your Tale stand for. Venturing out and becoming an independent business owner can have its challenges but it can be rewarding as well.… Continue Reading The Big Interview

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“Can You Copy This Artwork but Make Enough Changes So It Doesn’t Look Copied?” and Why It Doesn’t Work

By |2018-08-08T16:54:18-05:00June 8th, 2012|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |

An article that appeared in The Fort Bend Star this week prompted discussions about copyright infringement. The article titled "Sugar Land Artist Sues Utah Foundry for Allegedly Copying Statue" talks about how one artist supposedly copied another's work. It's especially bad since the original statue is in Sugar Land while the claimed copy sits an hour away in Pearland. I encourage you to read the article for the details and I've included the photo of the two statues at left (Copyright © 2011 by so you can judge for yourself if one looks like a copy of the other.… Continue Reading “Can You Copy This Artwork but Make Enough Changes So It Doesn’t Look Copied?” and Why It Doesn’t Work

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Retail Store Marketing for the 2016 Holiday Shopping Season

By |2018-08-08T16:36:49-05:00September 26th, 2016|Categories: PR|Tags: , |

Make the 2016 Holiday Shopping Season Your Best Ever  If you are a traditional, online or hybrid retail store, the bullet point above should have been on your top ten things to do in 2016. Now that 9 months of the year are almost past, it’s time to kick your preparations into high-gear. So, what are you going to do to make 2016 end with the champagne popping? The stats Let’s start with some fun facts. According to Alliance Data’s Holiday in July 2016 Seasonal Whitepaper, 87% of shoppers are still very likely to purchase at stores this year. 38%… Continue Reading Retail Store Marketing for the 2016 Holiday Shopping Season

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Email Briefly

By |2018-08-08T16:31:44-05:00October 27th, 2015|Categories: Professional Writing|

Today's desktop computers tend to be connected to large widescreen monitors. When writing emails at full screen width it can give the false impression that you're being brief. If you're lucky enough to get a reply the message body will only continue to get longer since the original message will be included with the reply to the reply to the reply to the reply to the original message. Looking at the same message at 50% screen width shows it's much more wordy than originally believed. Seeing the same email on a mobile device screen is enough to make you feel… Continue Reading Email Briefly

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Who wants to go to Prison?

By |2018-05-30T17:35:19-05:00November 14th, 2017|Categories: Community|

For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me. - Matthew 25: 35-36 No one wants to go to prison. The air in prison has weight to it. The heat in late summer forces inmates to the floors of their unairconditioned cells to seek relief on concrete. The smells that emanate from the collection of 4,100 inmates and their overseers are absurd. Some of the men I encountered will… Continue Reading Who wants to go to Prison?

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