How Professional Writing Can Help Your B2B Company

By |2018-10-04T15:26:52-05:00January 9th, 2017|Categories: Professional Writing|

If you’re like most business owners, you’re not a bad writer but your time is better spent building your business. A professionally written biography can play a huge role in helping you land speaking engagements and getting people to recognize you as a thought leader. When you hire a professional writer, you transfer the responsibility onto him/her to get the business writing done, in a timely manner and in an engaging way that helps attract new opportunities for you and your business. What’s more, professional writing highlights your strengths and differentiators—all while telling the readers/prospects that you take this topic seriously.… Continue Reading How Professional Writing Can Help Your B2B Company

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Internal Communications Rules and Strategy

By |2018-10-04T15:26:17-05:00January 25th, 2017|Categories: Professional Writing|Tags: |

It’s a common misconception among small and medium-size business owners that only companies that employ several hundred people need strategies or rules for internal communications. After all, if you can walk out of an office and say, “May I have your attention please,” and reach the entire company, do you really need an internal communications strategy? Well, there is a whole new generation and type of worker entering the workforce. If you don’t have a formalized communication strategy, you’d better be prepared to not only open your door, you had better take your door off the hinges. This younger workforce… Continue Reading Internal Communications Rules and Strategy

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Why Is Public Relations Strategic?

By |2018-10-04T15:22:43-05:00October 18th, 2017|Categories: PR|

The Long-term Importance of Using PR When organizations set out to conduct public relations (PR), the first questions to ask are: “What are we hoping to accomplish in general? How can PR help us reach that goal? Are we prepared to enable our PR efforts to really work for our organization?” Rather than just writing a press release and emailing it to some contacts, the outreach should be well thought out to reap the most benefits. Taking a long-term view to PR is important. Let’s explore why PR makes strategic sense. Your PR goals should align with your business goals… Continue Reading Why Is Public Relations Strategic?

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Why Public Relations is Better than Advertising

By |2018-10-04T15:22:05-05:00November 1st, 2017|Categories: PR|Tags: |

Why PR Makes Strategic Sense A topic in the marketing realm that often causes confusion is the difference between public relations (PR) and advertising. While I believe organizations should have a good mix of both, I also understand that with budget and time constraints, executives must prioritize marketing efforts and the associated budget. In this blog post, we’ll look at the key differences between PR and advertising as well as why PR makes more sense for most organizations. Let me start by saying that I know and respect people in the advertising arena. If your organization is a large corporation… Continue Reading Why Public Relations is Better than Advertising

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A Big Win in Graphic Design Awards Houston

By |2018-10-04T15:21:29-05:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |

Graphic Design Awards Houston We're really excited to share that Tell Your Tale and Mentis Neuro Health have been recognized as a platinum winner for the 2017 Marcom Awards, graphic design awards presented in Houston last month. These brain injury awareness cards proved to be a clever way to break through the "clutter" and grab the attention of healthcare providers looking for experts in brain injury rehabilitation. If you're an executive looking for graphic design with an impact, this is a great project to review.  Project Description: With March dedicated as Brain Injury Awareness Month, Mentis Neuro Health sought a way… Continue Reading A Big Win in Graphic Design Awards Houston

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How to Get Started with Digital Marketing

By |2018-09-27T14:09:56-05:00August 19th, 2016|Categories: PR|Tags: |

Q: What do you know about digital marketing? Do you know how to get started with digital marketing? What is digital marketing? Webster’s dictionary defined digital marketing as… oh you have to be kidding me. Digital marketing can’t be defined by our friends at Webster’s because digital marketing evolves continually. The internet is still an infant. A very fast learning, deranged, somewhat scary infant – but one that marketers and business owners love and hate. Let’s start with this. Who is your target audience? How do you approach them or try to draw them to your brand and products? Today… Continue Reading How to Get Started with Digital Marketing

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Why Your Business Needs a Professional Writer

By |2018-09-26T13:18:50-05:00January 20th, 2018|Categories: Professional Writing|

What separates one company from another in any line of work? There are a lot of different answers to that question. Of course, funding is extremely important. Proper planning for growth and having an exceptional product are imperative to success. All too often, the quality of the written words used to market the business are overlooked. However, successful businesses use professional writers when building a business plan, creating new marketing material and especially when writing blogs and webpages. These are critical aspects to putting a business’ best foot forward. Professional writing is a great differentiator in business. How many… Continue Reading Why Your Business Needs a Professional Writer

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The Importance of Key Messages in Marketing Your Business

By |2018-09-26T13:14:12-05:00January 5th, 2017|Categories: PR|Tags: , |

Are you ready to promote your business or new initiative but find your message isn’t quite resonating with your target buyer? Do your executives know your solutions well but explain the offerings in various ways? When your leaders talk about your organization, does it sound like they’re describing a different company? Often the way professionals talk about their business or special project is full of industry buzz words, acronyms and other vague expressions. The result is conversation that sounds much like the children’s game of telephone where the story that’s being heard is quite different from the initial message told.… Continue Reading The Importance of Key Messages in Marketing Your Business

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PR is much more than a Press Release

By |2018-09-26T13:12:41-05:00November 21st, 2013|Categories: PR|Tags: , |

When you launch a new product/service, revamp your web site or do another great deed that's newsworthy, who do you tell? How do you tell it? Maybe you write a press release and email it to your contact database. Good. Which reporters are on that list and how good is your relationship with them? Do they know you as the expert in your field and do they proactively call on you for insight? PR does not stand for press release. Writing press releases is important for getting your story out, but it's not the only tool in your arsenal.… Continue Reading PR is much more than a Press Release

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5 Tips for Email Marketing for Restaurants

By |2018-09-26T12:59:53-05:00November 30th, 2017|Categories: PR|Tags: |

The restaurant business in Texas is big business. Just in the Houston area, there are more than 10,000 restaurants with the average Houstonian dining out more than residents of any other city—4.1 times per week, compared with the national average of 3.1. Still, the average meal in Houston costs restaurant goers on average $5 less than the national average.1 So how do you connect with patrons and prospects cost effectively and drive them into your restaurant? Did you know 61 percent of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly?2 Email marketing continues to be an effective way to connect with customers across… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Email Marketing for Restaurants

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