About Megan Salch

Megan F. Salch has 20 years of marketing and communications experience. After working in the U.S. Senate as well as for a software company, Arthur Andersen and research firm APQC, Megan launched Tell Your Tale in 2005 to help organizations communicate regularly and deliberately. She works with medium and large organizations on messaging, branding and communicating with target audiences. Her out-of-the-box thinking and business savvy help organizations stand out from the crowd. Be sure to follow Megan on Twitter under the name “TellYourTale”. Megan is also a published author, writing the book 100+ Activities for Houston Kids.

SSL Certificates: Things You Should Know

As of March 12, 2019, there were nearly 1.7 billion websites and 44,730 were hacked on that date, according to Internet Live Stats. Like most statistics, there is usually more to the numbers below the surface. At first glance, we see many sites were hacked, but still a small number relative to the total number of websites. It’s been estimated that approximately 75 percent of “websites” are parked domains or something similar. This means that the approximate true number of websites is 418,101,494, which makes that 44,730 number much more of a concern. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) was developed… Continue Reading SSL Certificates: Things You Should Know

By |2019-03-14T18:19:20-05:00March 14th, 2019|Categories: Web Design|Comments Off on SSL Certificates: Things You Should Know

Search Engines Provide Aggregated Results

It’s March 12, 2019 and the 30th birthday of the World Wide Web. Ten years later, Google was founded. Search engines have become an integral part of our daily lives by helping us find answers to nearly any question we can think of. We even have fun with search engines by asking Alexa “what’s your favorite color?” or “are you a spy?” Search engines are continuously evolving in the feature sets they offer, but their purpose of helping searchers find key information has not changed. A feature recently introduced that’s becoming more prevalent at an exponential pace is aggregated… Continue Reading Search Engines Provide Aggregated Results

By |2019-05-28T17:08:27-05:00March 12th, 2019|Categories: SEO, Web Design|Comments Off on Search Engines Provide Aggregated Results

Is WordPress Safe as a Website Platform?

Is WordPress safe to use as a website platform? It's a question we hear quite often. The answer is YES. Like most things in life, you need to know how to properly set up a WordPress website and you need to maintain the software that runs your website. Let’s dig into this discussion a bit more to explain. Just last week I was speaking with a client who had been told by its outsourced IT provider that using an open source platform like WordPress is bad because it can be hacked. The IT person's recommendation was instead to use… Continue Reading Is WordPress Safe as a Website Platform?

By |2019-10-16T08:15:20-05:00February 5th, 2019|Categories: Web Design|Tags: |Comments Off on Is WordPress Safe as a Website Platform?

How Graphic Design Helps Business

Graphic design plays an important role for your business. All of the visual elements representing your business give prospects an idea of the type of company you run. From your logo and website to the layout of your brochures, your graphics say a lot about you. Are you visually delivering the right message? Does your business look more attractive than your competitors? Now is the time to analyze this and determine if your business needs to step up the professionalism of your brand. Professional graphic design can really set your business apart with a quality message that reassure prospects that… Continue Reading How Graphic Design Helps Business

By |2019-10-16T08:15:35-05:00December 20th, 2018|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |Comments Off on How Graphic Design Helps Business

How to Get Media Coverage for Your Business

Getting positive media coverage for your business generates wide-reaching prospects with a lot of credibility. It’s no wonder that a lot of business owners want to get their businesses covered in the media positively, but they really don't know how to go about it. Let’s explore how to generate more PR for your business that boosts your media coverage and enhances your company’s visibility in the market. Set Specific Goals What is your PR strategy? Start with the end goal in mind and determine which media outlets (radio, TV, printed publications and online outlets) match up with your business's… Continue Reading How to Get Media Coverage for Your Business

By |2019-10-16T08:15:45-05:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: , |Comments Off on How to Get Media Coverage for Your Business

Importance of Website Maintenance to Protect Against Hacks

Most businesses have a website to promote their products/services and attract new leads. Many organizations also have dedicated time and resources to updating the content (text, graphics, downloadable files) on their websites too. What’s astonishing is the lack of attention spent on the back-end security and functionality of websites on an ongoing basis. With so many professionals launching websites and forgetting the importance of the technical website maintenance, it’s no wonder so many websites get hacked. Let’s explore the causes of website hacks, the risks to small and medium businesses and the steps you can take to avert these… Continue Reading Importance of Website Maintenance to Protect Against Hacks

By |2019-05-28T17:08:47-05:00December 5th, 2018|Categories: Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , |Comments Off on Importance of Website Maintenance to Protect Against Hacks

How to Boost Your Visibility and Revenues with Marketing

Here are 5 marketing efforts that each business leader can undertake to boost visibility and drive revenue. 1. Identify the networking circles that delivered a strong return on your investment (ROI)―both in dollars and time investment. Which ones did not? Ditch the groups that were lackluster and accept that you gave it a try and now know groups that don’t work for your business. Then, invest more in those groups that prove promising. Don’t hesitate to try new networking groups. 2. Show up. It doesn’t do your business any good to become a new member of XYZ organization but… Continue Reading How to Boost Your Visibility and Revenues with Marketing

By |2019-03-26T09:15:46-05:00November 29th, 2018|Categories: PR, Professional Writing|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Boost Your Visibility and Revenues with Marketing

What’s your PR strategy for 2019?

What does your PR plan look like for the New Year? Do you have a defined public relations (PR) strategy? PR includes press releases but should take a broader look. (Yes, PR is much more than a press release.) It also includes how your business communicates with your shareholders (for public companies at least), board of directors, employees, customers and prospects, as well as the outside community. Having a PR plan for the New Year is important, so that you can align how and when you will communicate with your key audiences tied to your overall business strategy. Here… Continue Reading What’s your PR strategy for 2019?

By |2019-03-26T09:16:53-05:00November 28th, 2018|Categories: PR|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on What’s your PR strategy for 2019?

Local SEO and Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade If you’re still not convinced how important local SEO is, consider the following statistics. 78 percent of local mobile searches result in offline purchases. (HubSpot) 18 percent of local mobile searches lead to a sale within one day. (Google) 50 percent of local mobile searchers are looking for business information like a local address. (Go-Globe) 50 percent of consumers who do a local search on their smartphone visit a store within a day. (Go-Globe) It should come as no surprise that there are many tools to help with your local SEO efforts. The list that… Continue Reading Local SEO and Tools of the Trade

By |2020-02-17T23:59:16-06:00November 5th, 2018|Categories: SEO, Web Design|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Local SEO and Tools of the Trade

Migrating WordPress to PHP 7

WordPress is written in the PHP programming and scripting language. The developers of PHP have stopped releasing feature updates and bug fixes for PHP 5.6 and security updates will cease December 31, 2018. Some web hosts such as WP Engine have published articles on their blog and sent emails to their customers recommending they move away from PHP versions older than PHP 7. While PHP 5.6 will still be available and continue to function, it would be wise to move to PHP 7 sooner rather than later. PHP 7 brings new features and performance improvements that are mostly of… Continue Reading Migrating WordPress to PHP 7

By |2022-07-25T15:24:40-05:00September 24th, 2018|Categories: Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Migrating WordPress to PHP 7
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