Web Accessibility Overview

By |2019-06-19T14:04:22-05:00June 17th, 2019|Categories: Web Design|

It’s interesting that the World Wide Web (WWW) is 30 years old and has connected so many people, yet remains difficult to use for a lot of people. Those with vision issues may rely on screen readers. People with hearing issues may rely on text transcripts of audio content. People with limited fine motor skills may rely on keyboard navigation, instead of a mouse. Many years ago, I was taught that computer networking is not that different from human networking. The basic definition given is that networking “is having something to share, deciding to share it and agreeing how… Continue Reading Web Accessibility Overview

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SEO Basics – post #2: Choosing the Right Key Words

By |2019-05-28T17:13:43-05:00June 20th, 2012|Categories: SEO, Web Design|Tags: , |

When you need to develop key words to use on your web site, start by making a list of the words you think prospective customers may use to do an Internet search. Capitalization is not critical. Just make a list of the words you'd enter into a Google search to find a company or product like yours. Think of any features that make your product or service unique as that could be helpful. For instance, if you primarily do business in Houston, you might consider adding that city name to your keywords (also spelled "key words" with the space… Continue Reading SEO Basics – post #2: Choosing the Right Key Words

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics – post 1

By |2019-05-28T17:13:31-05:00June 20th, 2012|Categories: SEO, Web Design|Tags: , |

There's a lot of talk about search engine optimization (SEO) for websites so I thought I'd share some tips that any business or individual could use. When Tell Your Tale launches a web site for a business, we make sure to address these items and many more. Since there's a lot to cover, I'll share these SEO tips in a series of blog posts so check back often and look at some of the websites that Tell Your Tale has created. One of the first things to consider is which tools people use for Internet search. The latest research… Continue Reading Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics – post 1

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How to Improve Your Web Site’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

By |2019-05-28T17:13:15-05:00August 20th, 2012|Categories: SEO, Web Design|Tags: , |

How to Boost Your SEO with Key Words and Page Titles If  you've been following the Tell Your Tale blog, you now know how to select your keywords for your web site. Now let's focus on where to implement the key words on your web site because not only should the keywords be in the copy that's visible on your web site, but also in the code that's hidden behind the scenes. Let's start with page titles. Page titles are one of the most important pieces of search engine optimization (SEO) and are often overlooked. Your page titles show… Continue Reading How to Improve Your Web Site’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

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The Case for Monthly WordPress Maintenance

By |2019-05-28T17:12:53-05:00August 9th, 2016|Categories: Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , |

I often am asked why organizations with WordPress websites need to update and maintain them on a monthly basis. To me, it’s like having air conditioning in Houston’s summer. You aren’t required to have air conditioning, but it sure makes your life easier and in some cases it’s life-changing. Proper WordPress maintenance will literally keep your website running optimally. Without it, tools break, the site’s navigation can become unusable and your business’ online presence will end up looking unprofessional and unreliable. Why wait until these things happen to your site to correct them? Here are a few things to look… Continue Reading The Case for Monthly WordPress Maintenance

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Why Website Speed Matters

By |2019-05-28T17:12:18-05:00September 15th, 2017|Categories: SEO, Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , , |

The rapid growth of access to high speed devices connected to high speed networks has resulted in people being able to consume a large amount of information from a wide variety of sources in a very short time period. This happens every day and every day it seems to happen faster and on a larger scale.  It’s become more important than ever to respect your customers time and provide the least path of resistance wherever possible. In this article we’re going to identify some barriers to a successful website and how to tackle those barriers. We expect speed A website… Continue Reading Why Website Speed Matters

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12 Areas of Your Website That Should Be Kept Current

By |2019-05-28T17:11:40-05:00January 10th, 2018|Categories: Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , , |

As someone who loves to learn something new every chance I get, it’s exciting to see rapid advances in technology are connecting more people every day. This is also leading to a broader set of creative minds coming together to solve complex problems and inventing entirely new products and services. A lot of information is being generated as well, at times more than we can process, so we’re having to invent new ways to manage it all. Just as important is the need for up-to-date and relevant information. Secure, reliable and fast platforms to support this are required as… Continue Reading 12 Areas of Your Website That Should Be Kept Current

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Is Your Website 2019 Ready?

By |2019-05-28T17:09:49-05:00October 25th, 2018|Categories: Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: |

Why in the world would you start a project like revamping your website in calendar Q4 of 2018? Because you want to start calendar 2019 off on the right foot. Do you still have time to launch your new website before January 1? Absolutely, but you need to get started. “How can that be?” you might be thinking. “Can you really get a site up that fast?” Again, the answer is yes. Website engagements used to be months of coding and getting it just right before you launched because updating sites was cumbersome. That line of thinking is outdated… Continue Reading Is Your Website 2019 Ready?

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Importance of Website Maintenance to Protect Against Hacks

By |2019-05-28T17:08:47-05:00December 5th, 2018|Categories: Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , |

Most businesses have a website to promote their products/services and attract new leads. Many organizations also have dedicated time and resources to updating the content (text, graphics, downloadable files) on their websites too. What’s astonishing is the lack of attention spent on the back-end security and functionality of websites on an ongoing basis. With so many professionals launching websites and forgetting the importance of the technical website maintenance, it’s no wonder so many websites get hacked. Let’s explore the causes of website hacks, the risks to small and medium businesses and the steps you can take to avert these… Continue Reading Importance of Website Maintenance to Protect Against Hacks

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Search Engines Provide Aggregated Results

By |2019-05-28T17:08:27-05:00March 12th, 2019|Categories: SEO, Web Design|

It’s March 12, 2019 and the 30th birthday of the World Wide Web. Ten years later, Google was founded. Search engines have become an integral part of our daily lives by helping us find answers to nearly any question we can think of. We even have fun with search engines by asking Alexa “what’s your favorite color?” or “are you a spy?” Search engines are continuously evolving in the feature sets they offer, but their purpose of helping searchers find key information has not changed. A feature recently introduced that’s becoming more prevalent at an exponential pace is aggregated… Continue Reading Search Engines Provide Aggregated Results

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