Social Media for Business

Why It Makes Sense for Your Organization to Dominate the Social Channels Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay  Many marketing and sales professionals admit that attention to business social media outreach tends to wane when times are busy. With so many marketers wearing numerous hats within small businesses, it’s no wonder that social media can become neglected when other duties call. After all, you can crank out a few, quick posts in no time at all, so it’s easy to push social media to later. Plus, you could argue that employees really should focus on the big-ticket, large expense efforts to ensure organizations are… Continue Reading Social Media for Business

By |2019-10-16T08:14:09-05:00September 18th, 2019|Categories: Social Media|Tags: , |Comments Off on Social Media for Business

Preschedule FaceBook Posts to Promote Your Business, Maximize Your Time

Are you trying to use social media to promote your business but struggling to find the time to do it all? Check out this page that walks you through scheduling your FaceBook posts in advance so you can line up a week's worth of updates in just a few minutes and then get back to your main job. As a marketing company, we do this for ourselves as well as some of our customers in Houston and find it really helps. You don't have to hire a PR firm to boost your social media exposure. Try these simple tips and… Continue Reading Preschedule FaceBook Posts to Promote Your Business, Maximize Your Time

By |2019-08-05T14:41:51-05:00July 25th, 2012|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Preschedule FaceBook Posts to Promote Your Business, Maximize Your Time

Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts

Many blog readers have heard about the importance of posting regularly to business FaceBook pages. Still, many small and medium businesses struggle to post with any regularity due in large part to professionals wearing multiple hats within their organizations, rather than focusing on social media solely. FaceBook makes it easy to pre-schedule posts so professionals can stay on top of social media needs while balancing other projects. In the following screen capture of our FaceBook page, just below the status field, you'll see a drop-down arrow next to the word "Publish". Click on that drop-down arrow. FaceBook then shows you "Schedule"… Continue Reading Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts

By |2019-08-05T14:41:03-05:00July 28th, 2016|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts

Social Media Management Services in New Year

Like many organizations, you may have set up a FaceBook or Twitter account and you may have even created a blog. However, if you're not using social media management services, you may be asking: "Now what?" I hear time and again that professionals are using many of these tools for personal use but not to build their business. By spending a little time on your social media now, you really can position your company as a market leader and generate sales. If your team has recently experienced unfortunate layoffs and/or if your employees are already too stretched to take on… Continue Reading Social Media Management Services in New Year

By |2019-08-05T14:40:47-05:00July 28th, 2016|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Social Media Management Services in New Year

How Snapchat can Help Your Business (Part 1)

Snapchat is a great way to engage your audience by sending personalized photos aka “snaps.” Users can get creative with the pencil tool and emojis to personalize their snaps to their friends. Photos and up to 10-second videos that are posted to Snapchat disappear after they have been seen unless a user screenshots the image. When viewing a friends’ posts, which on Snapchat are called “stories,” a user can send the photo to friends that they follow. Is Snapchat something that can help your business? Retail businesses can really benefit from the platform using it for quick demos and product… Continue Reading How Snapchat can Help Your Business (Part 1)

By |2019-08-05T14:40:16-05:00January 31st, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How Snapchat can Help Your Business (Part 1)

How Snapchat Can Help Your Business (Part 2): Keeping a Audience

Snapchat users are looking for fun, informative posts from the people and companies they follow. They want to be entertained, engaged and drawn in and you only have 10 seconds to do that. Chances are your Snapchat followers also follow you on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. To keep your content from going stale, make sure to keep it fresh on each individual platform. This way, if a customer follows you on all platforms, they will see different content across the board. Engaging with your followers on Snapchat is a great way to show your company culture making you more relatable… Continue Reading How Snapchat Can Help Your Business (Part 2): Keeping a Audience

By |2019-08-05T14:40:07-05:00February 9th, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How Snapchat Can Help Your Business (Part 2): Keeping a Audience

Why Hiring an Agency for Social Media Delivers Positive Impacts

When Should Business Owners Use an Agency for Social Media? Social media should be more than posting pretty images and motivational quotations. Depending on the social media platform, you need to measure engagement with your customers, prospects and partners. Is your business team able to measure how they engaged others month over month and are you seeing more engagement over time? Is your team reporting on this each month? As a business owner or leader, if you're not seeing this data shared each month, your company may not be reaching important goals. Alternatively, your internal team over social media may… Continue Reading Why Hiring an Agency for Social Media Delivers Positive Impacts

By |2019-08-05T14:39:31-05:00June 21st, 2017|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , |Comments Off on Why Hiring an Agency for Social Media Delivers Positive Impacts

Managing Online Customer Reviews on Social Media Channels

A business’ online presence has a strong influence on its reputation. It’s no wonder that companies are quick to build their online presence beyond a website, extending into social media sites and online business listings. The real challenge and power both exist in managing online customer reviews on them all. Not only does proper attention and diligence mold a strong, positive reputation for your business, it also helps generate more traffic to your website, which in turn can lead to more sales. It's the power of online reputation management. Here are some key tips for managing your online reputation whether… Continue Reading Managing Online Customer Reviews on Social Media Channels

By |2019-08-05T14:38:33-05:00January 16th, 2018|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , |Comments Off on Managing Online Customer Reviews on Social Media Channels

How to Engage on Social Media for Real Engagement

As event season slows for the summer, many professionals look to social media to engage with customers and prospects. Staying top of mind is critical. Stepping up the quality of your posts and the frequency of posting is smart, but how you’re engaging is more important. Let’s dig into a few keys to engaging more with social media because more isn’t always better. Don’t just post. Engage. While it can be overwhelming to reply to every comment on social media, professionals can plan a set time each day to reply to comments and shares. Dedicating even 15-30 minutes each day… Continue Reading How to Engage on Social Media for Real Engagement

By |2019-08-05T14:30:44-05:00June 17th, 2019|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: |Comments Off on How to Engage on Social Media for Real Engagement

Make Your Website Social Media-Friendly or Else!

As of December 2017, there were over 3.9 billion people using the internet. While that’s a huge number, it represents just under 52 percent of the world’s population. Years ago, the saying was “two heads are better than one”, and now it’s more like “3.9 billion heads are better than one”. We’re constantly connected through our phones, email, and social media sharing knowledge. This makes it impractical to live and work in silos. We must do what we can to make our websites work well with the various social media platforms so that visitors can more easily find and… Continue Reading Make Your Website Social Media-Friendly or Else!

By |2019-03-26T09:42:47-05:00February 13th, 2018|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on Make Your Website Social Media-Friendly or Else!
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