About Megan Salch

Megan F. Salch has 20 years of marketing and communications experience. After working in the U.S. Senate as well as for a software company, Arthur Andersen and research firm APQC, Megan launched Tell Your Tale in 2005 to help organizations communicate regularly and deliberately. She works with medium and large organizations on messaging, branding and communicating with target audiences. Her out-of-the-box thinking and business savvy help organizations stand out from the crowd. Be sure to follow Megan on Twitter under the name “TellYourTale”. Megan is also a published author, writing the book 100+ Activities for Houston Kids.

Common Questions from Business Owners: Why Hire a Marketing Agency Instead of Hiring Your Own Employees?

I’m often asked why a business should hire a marketing agency like Tell Your Tale instead of hiring employees to handle marketing. The biggest reason is certainly cost. Hiring versus outsourcing is an age-old dilemma but one that often concludes with cost savings through outsourcing. When hiring marketing staff as employees, there are higher costs—both hard and soft—to remember that aren’t extended to the client/business owner who’s working with a marketing agency. Let’s explore. Recruiting candidates: Whether a business owner is paying HR personnel to recruit, running ads on Indeed.com or other recruitment portals or paying other employees to attend… Continue Reading Common Questions from Business Owners: Why Hire a Marketing Agency Instead of Hiring Your Own Employees?

By |2018-09-26T12:55:49-05:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Marketing|Tags: |Comments Off on Common Questions from Business Owners: Why Hire a Marketing Agency Instead of Hiring Your Own Employees?

Web Designer vs. Web Developer

As a marketing agency that is also a web design company, we’re often asked the difference between a web designer and a web developer. Good question. These terms are often used interchangeably, which can be detrimental to the end client. Let’s explore the differences between a web designer and a web developer, and review some key questions to help you determine which professional you need. Web Designer A web designer primarily focuses on the aesthetics of the website using graphics design software such as Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to design the layout and style of a website much the same… Continue Reading Web Designer vs. Web Developer

By |2019-03-26T09:48:31-05:00October 11th, 2016|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on Web Designer vs. Web Developer

The Big Interview

There was a great article in the American Marketing Association’s Marketing News Magazine this month talking to and interviewing marketers who have gone solo in their careers. It inspired me to write a blog post interviewing our very own Megan Salch (who did just that) on her journey to independence. This is a great way for our customers to not only get to know the owner and the company as a whole but what we at Tell Your Tale stand for. Venturing out and becoming an independent business owner can have its challenges but it can be rewarding as well.… Continue Reading The Big Interview

By |2018-08-09T08:12:33-05:00October 4th, 2016|Categories: PR|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Big Interview

The Case for Monthly WordPress Maintenance

I often am asked why organizations with WordPress websites need to update and maintain them on a monthly basis. To me, it’s like having air conditioning in Houston’s summer. You aren’t required to have air conditioning, but it sure makes your life easier and in some cases it’s life-changing. Proper WordPress maintenance will literally keep your website running optimally. Without it, tools break, the site’s navigation can become unusable and your business’ online presence will end up looking unprofessional and unreliable. Why wait until these things happen to your site to correct them? Here are a few things to look… Continue Reading The Case for Monthly WordPress Maintenance

By |2019-05-28T17:12:53-05:00August 9th, 2016|Categories: Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Case for Monthly WordPress Maintenance

Social Media Management Services in New Year

Like many organizations, you may have set up a FaceBook or Twitter account and you may have even created a blog. However, if you're not using social media management services, you may be asking: "Now what?" I hear time and again that professionals are using many of these tools for personal use but not to build their business. By spending a little time on your social media now, you really can position your company as a market leader and generate sales. If your team has recently experienced unfortunate layoffs and/or if your employees are already too stretched to take on… Continue Reading Social Media Management Services in New Year

By |2019-08-05T14:40:47-05:00July 28th, 2016|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Social Media Management Services in New Year

Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts

Many blog readers have heard about the importance of posting regularly to business FaceBook pages. Still, many small and medium businesses struggle to post with any regularity due in large part to professionals wearing multiple hats within their organizations, rather than focusing on social media solely. FaceBook makes it easy to pre-schedule posts so professionals can stay on top of social media needs while balancing other projects. In the following screen capture of our FaceBook page, just below the status field, you'll see a drop-down arrow next to the word "Publish". Click on that drop-down arrow. FaceBook then shows you "Schedule"… Continue Reading Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts

By |2019-08-05T14:41:03-05:00July 28th, 2016|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts

10 Tips for Planning Your Website Design

In this article, we'll share 10 tips for planning your website design, whether you're tackling this with your internal marketing team or using a marketing agency. 1. Plan to spend time thinking about how your website will be structured, in other words, how it will be organized. It's easy to jump into the look & feel of the website but the structure is really the foundation of the website design. What is the key information that prospects want to learn about you? How does it make most sense to organize that information on your new website? You can likely… Continue Reading 10 Tips for Planning Your Website Design

By |2019-03-26T09:50:21-05:00July 25th, 2016|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on 10 Tips for Planning Your Website Design

Best Practice for Email Signatures

A client recently asked us for some tips on formatting their email signatures so that the complete information would be clearly delivered to their recipients. This opened up a big discussion about what should and shouldn't be included in an email signature. Here, we share 7 Steps for Email Signatures at Work. Brevity is key. Remember: people are often glancing at your email signature, not reading every word. Give them the information they need, how they need it. We recommend no more than eight lines. Four to five lines is really best. - Obviously, you should list your name, perhaps… Continue Reading Best Practice for Email Signatures

By |2018-08-09T10:27:31-05:00April 4th, 2016|Categories: PR|Tags: , |Comments Off on Best Practice for Email Signatures

WordPress and Business Catalyst Comparison

Implementing a Content Management System (CMS) is not a one-size-fits-all situation and requires a comprehensive analysis to arrive at the best decision.  This article provides a high-level overview of WordPress and Business Catalyst that can be helpful when deciding which CMS to use.  Keep in mind that both systems are constantly evolving to meet market demands and to keep up with the latest trends in technology industry. Total number of websites As of March 1, 2016 at around 5:20 pm CST the total number of websites was 996,545,487 according to Internet Live Stats. Business Catalyst claims to host over 120,000 active… Continue Reading WordPress and Business Catalyst Comparison

By |2019-03-26T09:50:59-05:00March 21st, 2016|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on WordPress and Business Catalyst Comparison

5 Things Businesses Should Turn Up in a Downturn

Marketing in a Downturn: We've all heard about the struggling economy and it may be this way for some time. While the economic tightening first affected Houston's oil and gas market, the longer term impact has spread further across industries and even professional levels. We could jump on the political bandwagon to sling mud at the culprits but we've decided to take a different approach. Here are 5 things businesses can turn up in the downturn. 1. Networking: While some may feel more comfortable staying at the office, you've got to put yourself out there so more people can meet… Continue Reading 5 Things Businesses Should Turn Up in a Downturn

By |2018-08-09T10:39:43-05:00February 23rd, 2016|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , |Comments Off on 5 Things Businesses Should Turn Up in a Downturn
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