Why Your Marketing Should Directly Reflect Your Brand Values

I recently read an article about the importance of brands being true to their values and staying aligned with their customer base. At first glance, that’s so obvious, yet businesses repeatedly go off the rails and their brand and profits take a hit. Let’s examine an example of a well-known business that ran a campaign misaligned with its brand values and ways that small businesses can learn from historical flops and instead promote themselves in keeping with their values. The Bud Light Debacle You may remember the Bud Light advertising debacle from April 2023. Bud Light aimed to course… Continue Reading Why Your Marketing Should Directly Reflect Your Brand Values

By |2024-09-29T15:50:29-05:00September 29th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Marketing|0 Comments

Reinvigorate Your Marketing to Close Out the Year Strong

With summer vacations wrapping up and students returning to school, professionals should take this opportunity to refocus marketing efforts to engage customers. Think of it as another time to re-establish New Year’s resolutions for business. After all, we’ve got about 4.5 months until the end of the year. For retailers, the next few months are more critical as we approach Black Friday sales and holiday shopping. Other businesses can strengthen marketing execution for a strong finish to the year and, depending on your lead time and sales cycles, generate solid leads for 2025. Let’s discuss some key activities to… Continue Reading Reinvigorate Your Marketing to Close Out the Year Strong

By |2024-08-18T13:10:56-05:00August 18th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Marketing|0 Comments

Marketing Best Practices to Drive Foot Traffic to Your Business

COVID-19 has left its mark on likely every business nationwide. Still, restaurants and retail establishments have especially struggled to comply with the government-issued regulations, practice safety measures and keep their businesses profitable. Houston Community College (HCC) recently invited me to deliver a virtual presentation on "Marketing Best Practices to Drive Foot Traffic to Your Business" with a special focus on restaurants and retail businesses.  While this post isn't an exact replica of that presentation, it's a good recap and offers loads of marketing tips for businesses that are dependent on walk-in buyers. 1). First, double down on your marketing during… Continue Reading Marketing Best Practices to Drive Foot Traffic to Your Business

By |2020-08-10T21:08:31-05:00August 10th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Marketing|0 Comments

5 Ways to Market Your Business While Showing Empathy

Four months into the COVID-19 pandemic and business owners nationwide are searching for ways to market  your business in creative ways that will produce more sales. It’s time to think differently… to no longer stand back hesitantly. It’s time to be bold with your marketing. So, let’s get started. 1). Break it down. Since so much is changing & changing quickly, you don’t want to use your 2020 marketing plan that was assembled before COVID-19 hit the United States. You also don’t want to plan now for the rest of the year because we expect – even hope -- the… Continue Reading 5 Ways to Market Your Business While Showing Empathy

By |2020-06-29T12:47:44-05:00June 29th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Marketing|0 Comments

Marketing Smarter during COVID-19 Pandemic

With so many people distracted with new work and life scenarios due to COVID-19, we're finding marketers need to work smarter (& likely harder too) to engage with prospective buyers. I delivered a presentation recently to the Greater Heights Area Chamber of Commerce on "Marketing during the COVID-19 Pandemic", which in many ways translates to "Where can your marketing have the biggest impact with limited time and budget?" Here are the 7 steps that I shared with the Heights Chamber, plus a number of others. I hope you'll add your own feedback to #commentform, so I can see which marketing… Continue Reading Marketing Smarter during COVID-19 Pandemic

By |2020-05-19T21:08:10-05:00May 19th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Marketing|0 Comments

Online Reviews: Why You Should Care

The Power of Online Reviews Online reviews can be a powerful tool in helping you provide a better customer experience. I know of a small business owner who has a creative approach to using online reviews that helps give him fresh ideas on improving the customer experience. He focuses his energy on the competitors’ lowest reviews and works with his employees to ensure his business excels in the areas where the competition struggles. This business owner truly values his customers’ reviews, responds to each one, involves his team and differentiates his business with a strong focus on excellence in… Continue Reading Online Reviews: Why You Should Care

By |2019-08-29T11:10:41-05:00August 29th, 2019|Categories: Marketing, PR, SEO|Comments Off on Online Reviews: Why You Should Care

The Importance of Branding for Your Employees

Your brand... It's the complete package of what customers and prospects think of when they hear your company name. Your brand also differentiates you from your competition. A lot of attention is paid to branding a business in order to stand out and remain memorable with customers. However, many overlook the fact that your branding is also an important aspect for your own staff. Let's explore the impact of branding on your team. Our marketing agency works with, among others, companies that win work if they're the lowest bidder. Common with government work, the theory is that the company… Continue Reading The Importance of Branding for Your Employees

By |2019-04-30T10:57:43-05:00March 18th, 2019|Categories: Marketing, PR|Comments Off on The Importance of Branding for Your Employees

How To Prepare for a Successful Trade Show

Strategic Trade Show Planning Ensures Strong ROI  Trade shows can be a hit or miss depending on your preparedness, so it is important that you start planning early. To give you a rough estimate, start planning about 90 days in advance. In this post, we’ll walk through the critical steps on how to prepare for a successful trade show or conference to ensure good visibility and strong return on investment (ROI). The Planning Stage: First things first. You need to ask yourself, what type of trade show is this? This will lead you to thinking about the types of attendees… Continue Reading How To Prepare for a Successful Trade Show

By |2018-11-27T08:53:24-06:00January 3rd, 2018|Categories: Marketing|Tags: , |Comments Off on How To Prepare for a Successful Trade Show

10 Marketing Tips for Opening a Retail Store

Whether you're opening your first retail store or adding an additional location, marketing the grand opening is critical to letting local consumers know about your shop and enticing buyers to visit early and often. Here are 10 marketing tips for opening a retail store with consumers ready to buy. First, define your ideal customer. Pinpoint characteristics such as their gender, age, work status, family make-up (married with kids versus single, etc.), preferences on how they enjoy spending free time, annual salary and likely disposable income. This information will guide your marketing decisions so you can invest in marketing that… Continue Reading 10 Marketing Tips for Opening a Retail Store

By |2018-11-27T08:48:27-06:00January 28th, 2018|Categories: Marketing|Tags: |Comments Off on 10 Marketing Tips for Opening a Retail Store

Common Questions from Business Owners: Why Hire a Marketing Agency Instead of Hiring Your Own Employees?

I’m often asked why a business should hire a marketing agency like Tell Your Tale instead of hiring employees to handle marketing. The biggest reason is certainly cost. Hiring versus outsourcing is an age-old dilemma but one that often concludes with cost savings through outsourcing. When hiring marketing staff as employees, there are higher costs—both hard and soft—to remember that aren’t extended to the client/business owner who’s working with a marketing agency. Let’s explore. Recruiting candidates: Whether a business owner is paying HR personnel to recruit, running ads on Indeed.com or other recruitment portals or paying other employees to attend… Continue Reading Common Questions from Business Owners: Why Hire a Marketing Agency Instead of Hiring Your Own Employees?

By |2018-09-26T12:55:49-05:00October 13th, 2016|Categories: Marketing|Tags: |Comments Off on Common Questions from Business Owners: Why Hire a Marketing Agency Instead of Hiring Your Own Employees?
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