Benefits of Professional Graphic Design to Business

Creative Thinking Fuels Graphic Design, Grabs Prospects' Attention As an executive at an established business, you may believe your graphic design needs are far behind you. With a logo and brand standards set, it’s easy to overlook the multitude of opportunities to use graphic design to boost your brand’s visibility. You may be focused on growing your customer base and developing new product offerings, but there is plenty of room to use graphic design to illustrate the benefits that your organization provides customers. Whether you’re looking to refresh your brand or need a memorable advertisement that draws new customers… Continue Reading Benefits of Professional Graphic Design to Business

By |2020-02-19T14:39:21-06:00April 17th, 2018|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |Comments Off on Benefits of Professional Graphic Design to Business

How Graphic Design Helps Business

Graphic design plays an important role for your business. All of the visual elements representing your business give prospects an idea of the type of company you run. From your logo and website to the layout of your brochures, your graphics say a lot about you. Are you visually delivering the right message? Does your business look more attractive than your competitors? Now is the time to analyze this and determine if your business needs to step up the professionalism of your brand. Professional graphic design can really set your business apart with a quality message that reassure prospects that… Continue Reading How Graphic Design Helps Business

By |2019-10-16T08:15:35-05:00December 20th, 2018|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |Comments Off on How Graphic Design Helps Business

5 Essentials for Graphic Design for Business

(Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels) Graphic design is important to every business since it helps create an organization's brand and communicates what the business is about. Whether you’re designing your own marketing material or are working with a professional graphic designer, there are some key graphic design aspects to address, so that your marketing looks its best now and long-term. Want to know what great graphic designers wished their clients knew? Here are 5 things to consider when designing a business’ marketing material. Consider these tips the "must haves" for professional graphic design. 1. How is your marketing… Continue Reading 5 Essentials for Graphic Design for Business

By |2019-10-16T08:14:21-05:00September 17th, 2019|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on 5 Essentials for Graphic Design for Business

Which Graphic File Format is Best: Vector and Raster Images

Low resolution, high resolution, which graphic file do you need when? Which graphic file format is best? We are frequently asked just this. The answer? How your graphics will be used dictates whether you need a low-resolution or high-resolution image. To further complicate things, business leaders often can’t open the art files because they don’t have (and don’t need) the graphic design programs (such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign) used to create the graphics. In this post, we’ll explain those terms a bit and show examples of when a graphic file has been used incorrectly and how to correct… Continue Reading Which Graphic File Format is Best: Vector and Raster Images

By |2019-10-16T08:13:37-05:00October 15th, 2019|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on Which Graphic File Format is Best: Vector and Raster Images

Tips for Improving Photo Resolution

We often are asked for tips on improving photo resolution so that clients can take their own photos for marketing purposes. While I usually recommend a professional photographer for marketing collateral, there are situations when taking photographs on your own makes sense. Thus, we'll share the following tips for taking pictures that can be used for print purposes since the photos will be high resolution. When taking photos for professional use, here are some things to keep in mind so that your photos are taken at the highest resolution. We can always downsize the resolution (or crispness) of a photo… Continue Reading Tips for Improving Photo Resolution

By |2019-10-15T08:34:38-05:00August 20th, 2014|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on Tips for Improving Photo Resolution

LinkedIn Background Image Often Overlooked Opportunity

As marketing experts and graphic designers, we’re always looking for good ways for organizations to build their brands and maximize their investment. While the social media channel LinkedIn has been available since May 2003, I’m still surprised at the number of businesses that don’t apply their branding to their LinkedIn company page. Our team is here to end the boring, light blue, starry default and give businesses’ brands more reach. Organizations of all sizes can use their logos and brand standards to create a LinkedIn background image that emphasizes their products/services as well as values. The ideal size for this… Continue Reading LinkedIn Background Image Often Overlooked Opportunity

By |2019-08-12T17:27:17-05:00August 12th, 2019|Categories: Graphic Design, Social Media|Tags: |Comments Off on LinkedIn Background Image Often Overlooked Opportunity

When Do You Need Professional Graphic Design?

Graphic design. It’s the art of polishing a marketing or sales piece to give it a professional look and entice people to keep reading about your business’ offerings. Slight differences in graphic accent and color choice can be the difference between eh? and WOW! So, how do you know when you need a professional graphic designer’s help, rather than rely on someone in your office to give it a try? As with most things in life, giving a full 100 percent effort upfront often saves you in the long run. Following are a few points to consider when determining if… Continue Reading When Do You Need Professional Graphic Design?

By |2019-04-18T09:29:07-05:00April 17th, 2019|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |Comments Off on When Do You Need Professional Graphic Design?

A Big Win in Graphic Design Awards Houston

Graphic Design Awards Houston We're really excited to share that Tell Your Tale and Mentis Neuro Health have been recognized as a platinum winner for the 2017 Marcom Awards, graphic design awards presented in Houston last month. These brain injury awareness cards proved to be a clever way to break through the "clutter" and grab the attention of healthcare providers looking for experts in brain injury rehabilitation. If you're an executive looking for graphic design with an impact, this is a great project to review.  Project Description: With March dedicated as Brain Injury Awareness Month, Mentis Neuro Health sought a way… Continue Reading A Big Win in Graphic Design Awards Houston

By |2018-10-04T15:21:29-05:00November 20th, 2017|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |Comments Off on A Big Win in Graphic Design Awards Houston

5 Things to Check When Doing Graphic Design in Photoshop

When working on marketing your business, there are some graphic design basics to keep in mind--whether you've hired a design firm like Tell Your Tale or are handling the marketing in-house. You always want to make sure you have the best type of files for the intended marketing use. Let's go over the basics. 1. Size: Literally, how many inches tall and wide is your image?  2. Resolution: Is the file 72 dots per inch (dpi), 150 dpi or 300 dpi? Dots per inch (dpi) is used for print, while pixels per inch is used for the web and lines… Continue Reading 5 Things to Check When Doing Graphic Design in Photoshop

By |2018-08-09T08:52:12-05:00September 20th, 2012|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on 5 Things to Check When Doing Graphic Design in Photoshop

“Can You Copy This Artwork but Make Enough Changes So It Doesn’t Look Copied?” and Why It Doesn’t Work

An article that appeared in The Fort Bend Star this week prompted discussions about copyright infringement. The article titled "Sugar Land Artist Sues Utah Foundry for Allegedly Copying Statue" talks about how one artist supposedly copied another's work. It's especially bad since the original statue is in Sugar Land while the claimed copy sits an hour away in Pearland. I encourage you to read the article for the details and I've included the photo of the two statues at left (Copyright © 2011 by so you can judge for yourself if one looks like a copy of the other.… Continue Reading “Can You Copy This Artwork but Make Enough Changes So It Doesn’t Look Copied?” and Why It Doesn’t Work

By |2018-08-08T16:54:18-05:00June 8th, 2012|Categories: Graphic Design|Tags: |Comments Off on “Can You Copy This Artwork but Make Enough Changes So It Doesn’t Look Copied?” and Why It Doesn’t Work
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