Preschedule FaceBook Posts to Promote Your Business, Maximize Your Time

Are you trying to use social media to promote your business but struggling to find the time to do it all? Check out this page that walks you through scheduling your FaceBook posts in advance so you can line up a week's worth of updates in just a few minutes and then get back to your main job. As a marketing company, we do this for ourselves as well as some of our customers in Houston and find it really helps. You don't have to hire a PR firm to boost your social media exposure. Try these simple tips and… Continue Reading Preschedule FaceBook Posts to Promote Your Business, Maximize Your Time

By |2019-08-05T14:41:51-05:00July 25th, 2012|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Preschedule FaceBook Posts to Promote Your Business, Maximize Your Time

Facebook and Pinterest: Where Do I Start?

That's the exact question that I received from one of our clients. Her business is interior design so it's a very visual industry, which also makes it a great place for Pinterest. Since she also is helping people in their homes or businesses, she builds a very personal relationship with them. (When you open people's closets, drawers and wardrobes, you get to know them very well, she told me once.) The personal nature of her business also makes it a natural fit for FaceBook, where people get to know your company in a personal way. Here are a few tips… Continue Reading Facebook and Pinterest: Where Do I Start?

By |2019-08-05T14:41:35-05:00August 5th, 2013|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Facebook and Pinterest: Where Do I Start?

Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts

Many blog readers have heard about the importance of posting regularly to business FaceBook pages. Still, many small and medium businesses struggle to post with any regularity due in large part to professionals wearing multiple hats within their organizations, rather than focusing on social media solely. FaceBook makes it easy to pre-schedule posts so professionals can stay on top of social media needs while balancing other projects. In the following screen capture of our FaceBook page, just below the status field, you'll see a drop-down arrow next to the word "Publish". Click on that drop-down arrow. FaceBook then shows you "Schedule"… Continue Reading Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts

By |2019-08-05T14:41:03-05:00July 28th, 2016|Categories: PR, Social Media|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Get a Leg Up by Pre-Scheduling FaceBook Posts
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