Moving from Adobe Business Catalyst to WordPress

What to Think About When Moving from ABC to WP updated 1/4/2021 Adobe has announced the end-of-life for Business Catalyst, a website host and web platform. As of September 26, 2021, Adobe will stop hosting all Business Catalyst sites. (This deadline has been postponed from a previous March date but all indicators now point to a firm deadline of September 26, 2021.)  We’ve already seen a mass exodus of Business Catalyst partners and many web design companies are moving the bulk of its clients to WordPress. We’ve also seen the support structure of Business Catalyst reduced as some of… Continue Reading Moving from Adobe Business Catalyst to WordPress

By |2021-01-04T12:18:36-06:00August 28th, 2018|Categories: Web Design, Website Maintenance|Tags: , |Comments Off on Moving from Adobe Business Catalyst to WordPress

WordPress and Business Catalyst Comparison

Implementing a Content Management System (CMS) is not a one-size-fits-all situation and requires a comprehensive analysis to arrive at the best decision.  This article provides a high-level overview of WordPress and Business Catalyst that can be helpful when deciding which CMS to use.  Keep in mind that both systems are constantly evolving to meet market demands and to keep up with the latest trends in technology industry. Total number of websites As of March 1, 2016 at around 5:20 pm CST the total number of websites was 996,545,487 according to Internet Live Stats. Business Catalyst claims to host over 120,000 active… Continue Reading WordPress and Business Catalyst Comparison

By |2019-03-26T09:50:59-05:00March 21st, 2016|Categories: Web Design|Tags: , |Comments Off on WordPress and Business Catalyst Comparison
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